94 research outputs found

    Building institutional capacity for industrial symbiosis development : a case study of an industrial symbiosis coordination network in China

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    Recent research has examined how the concept of institutional capacity relates to the ability of organisations to deliver industrial symbiosis, and in particular how that ability itself can develop over time. One approach to developing industrial symbiosis has been to build a network of local bodies to work together to this end. Terming such a body an industrial symbiosis coordination network, this study innovatively applies institutional capacity building theory in the context of a Chinese eco-industrial park. It examines how the coordination network developed the expertise to encourage local companies to engage in industrial symbiosis. This research consisted of a qualitative study, including participant observation, semi-structured interviews and document analysis to analyse the development of an industrial symbiosis coordination network in Tianjin Binhai New Area. It is found that the network increased institutional capacity for local IS development by promoting relational links across organisational divisions and governance levels, and by increasing various types of knowledge for coordinating IS. The concept of institutional capacity building is shown to have cross-cultural applicability. Reflections on this study indicate that local government can play a vital role in building and maintaining an IS coordination network in the Chinese context, but that other bodies are also needed to mobilise institutional capacity for IS development

    Knowledge transfer to facilitate industrial symbiosis : a case study of UK-China collaborators

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    Interest in how industrial production could be adapted to promote sustainable development has increased in recent decades worldwide. Industrial symbiosis (where one company’s unwanted materials become the input for another company) is one approach to reducing the environmental impact of production, which itself has attracted widespread policy interest. The UK’s National Industrial Symbiosis Programme has become known internationally as an example of a successful industrial symbiosis initiative, attracting both academic interest and policy imitation. However, the suitability of industrial symbiosis development initiatives to be transferred between geographic contexts is a largely neglected issue in industrial symbiosis literature. Practice replication can be viewed as a knowledge transfer process. In order to address that issue, this study adopts a theoretical framework drawn from the knowledge transfer literature, which suggests that language skills, technical assistance and expertise are among the factors influencing the success of international attempts at practice replication. The knowledge transfer literature, however, has focussed on commercial activity, i.e., firms’ primary activities, not environmental initiatives such as industrial symbiosis. Theoretical framework on knowledge transfer is therefore adopted to study the topic.The research aims to provide a deeper understanding of factors affecting the process of replicating one country’s industrial symbiosis development practice to another. A European Commission funded project replicating the UK’s industrial symbiosis network facilitation approach to the Tianjin Binhai New Area of China has been selected to conduct an in-depth case study. This case study can be viewed as a transnational knowledge transfer practice. In addition, this research used a knowledge transfer perspective to inform an in-depth analysis of the organisation of National Industrial Symbiosis Programme. Also, it conducted the analysis of policy context affecting industrial symbiosis activities in the UK and China to provide a background of industrial symbiosis development in the two countries. Qualitative research methods such as semi-structured interviews and participant observation have been used to collect data.This research contributes to knowledge transfer theory through proposing a knowledge-based model illustrating the process of knowledge development within an organisation and the process of transnational knowledge transfer from the knowledge source to another. Also, factors affecting the process of transnational knowledge transfer have been summarised. In addition, the research provides a deeper understanding of a industrial symbiosis network facilitation approach which has been widely cited as an industrial symbiosis development exemplar. Theoretical contributions could guide future transnational collaborations on replicating good practices for industrial sustainable development

    Towards the Understanding of Private Content – Content-based Privacy Assessment and Protection in Social Networks

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    In the wake of the Facebook data breach scandal, users begin to realize how vulnerable their per-sonal data is and how blindly they trust the online social networks (OSNs) by giving them an inordinate amount of private data that touch on unlimited areas of their lives. In particular, stud-ies show that users sometimes reveal too much information or unintentionally release regretful messages, especially when they are careless, emotional, or unaware of privacy risks. Additionally, friends on social media platforms are also found to be adversarial and may leak one’s private in-formation. Threats from within users’ friend networks – insider threats by human or bots – may be more concerning because they are much less likely to be mitigated through existing solutions, e.g., the use of privacy settings. Therefore, we argue that the key component of privacy protection in social networks is protecting sensitive/private content, i.e. privacy as having the ability to control dissemination of information. A mechanism to automatically identify potentially sensitive/private posts and alert users before they are posted is urgently needed. In this dissertation, we propose a context-aware, text-based quantitative model for private in-formation assessment, namely PrivScore, which is expected to serve as the foundation of a privacy leakage alerting mechanism. We first explicitly research and study topics that might contain private content. Based on this knowledge, we solicit diverse opinions on the sensitiveness of private infor-mation from crowdsourcing workers, and examine the responses to discover a perceptual model behind the consensuses and disagreements. We then develop a computational scheme using deep neural networks to compute a context-free PrivScore (i.e., the “consensus” privacy score among average users). Finally, we integrate tweet histories, topic preferences and social contexts to gener-ate a personalized context-aware PrivScore. This privacy scoring mechanism could be employed to identify potentially-private messages and alert users to think again before posting them to OSNs. It could also benefit non-human users such as social media chatbots

    Nighttime chemistry at a high altitude site above Hong Kong

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    Nighttime reactions of nitrogen oxides influence ozone, volatile organic compounds, and aerosol and are thus important to the understanding of regional air quality. Despite large emissions and rapid recent growth of nitrogen oxide concentrations, there are few studies of nighttime chemistry in China. Here we present measurements of nighttime nitrogen oxides, NO3 and N2O5, from a coastal mountaintop site in Hong Kong adjacent to the megacities of the Pearl River Delta region. This is the first study of nighttime chemistry from a site within the residual layer in China. Key findings include the following. First, highly concentrated urban NOx outflow from the Pearl River Delta region was sampled infrequently at night, with N2O5 mixing ratios up to 8 ppbv (1 min average) or 12 ppbv (1 s average) in nighttime aged air masses. Second, the average N2O5 uptake coefficient was determined from a best fit to the available steady state lifetime data as γ(N2O5) = 0.014 ± 0.007. Although this determination is uncertain due to the difficulty of separating N2O5 losses from those of NO3, this value is in the range of previous residual layer determinations of N2O5 uptake coefficients in polluted air in North America. Third, there was a significant contribution of biogenic hydrocarbons to NO3 loss inferred from canister samples taken during daytime. Finally, daytime N2O5 mixing ratios were in accord with their predicted photochemical steady state. Heterogeneous uptake of N2O5 in fog is determined to be an important production mechanism for soluble nitrate, even during daytime. Key Points Large (up to 12 ppbv N2O5) but infrequent nocturnal NOx outflow from the Pearl River Delta Average N2O5 uptake coefficients 0.014 ± 0.007, in line with residual layer measurements in the U.S. Daytime N2O5 follows predicted steady state but rapidly produces soluble nitrate in fog.Department of Civil and Environmental Engineerin

    RecycleGPT: An Autoregressive Language Model with Recyclable Module

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    Existing large language models have to run K times to generate a sequence of K tokens. In this paper, we present RecycleGPT, a generative language model with fast decoding speed by recycling pre-generated model states without running the whole model in multiple steps. Our approach relies on the observation that adjacent tokens in a sequence usually have strong correlations and the next token in a sequence can be reasonably guessed or inferred based on the preceding ones. Experiments and analysis demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in lowering inference latency, achieving up to 1.4x speedup while preserving high performance.Comment: Technical Repor

    Observations of nitryl chloride and modeling its source and effect on ozone in the planetary boundary layer of southern China

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    Nitryl chloride (ClNO2) plays potentially important roles in atmospheric chemistry, but its abundance and effect are not fully understood due to the small number of ambient observations of ClNO2 to date. In late autumn 2013, ClNO2 was measured with a chemical ionization mass spectrometer (CIMS) at a mountain top (957 m above sea level) in Hong Kong. During 12 nights with continuous CIMS data, elevated mixing ratios of ClNO2 (>400 parts per trillion by volume) or its precursor N2O5 (>1000 pptv) were observed on six nights, with the highest ever reported ClNO2 (4.7 ppbv, 1 min average) and N2O5 (7.7 ppbv, 1 min average) in one case. Backward particle dispersion calculations driven by winds simulated with a mesoscale meteorological model show that the ClNO2/N2O5-laden air at the high-elevation site was due to transport of urban/industrial pollution north of the site. The highest ClNO2/N2O5 case was observed in a later period of the night and was characterized with extensively processed air and with the presence of nonoceanic chloride. A chemical box model with detailed chlorine chemistry was used to assess the possible impact of the ClNO2 in the well-processed regional plume on next day ozone, as the air mass continued to downwind locations. The results show that the ClNO2 could enhance ozone by 5-16% at the ozone peak or 11-41% daytime ozone production in the following day. This study highlights varying importance of the ClNO2 chemistry in polluted environments and the need to consider this process in photochemical models for prediction of ground-level ozone and haze. Key Points First observation of ClNO2 in the planetary boundary layer of China Combined high-resolution meteorological and measurement-constrained chemical models in data analysis ClNO2 enhances daytime ozone peak by 5-16% in well-processed PRD air.Department of Civil and Environmental Engineerin

    Increased inorganic aerosol fraction contributes to air pollution and haze in China

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    The detailed formation mechanism of an increased number of haze events in China is still not very clear. Here, we found that reduced surface visibility from 1980 to 2010 and an increase in satellite-derived columnar concentrations of inorganic precursors from 2002 to 2012 are connected with each other. Typically, higher inorganic mass fractions lead to increased aerosol water uptake and light-scattering ability in elevated relative humidity. Satellite observation of aerosol precursors of NO2 and SO2 showed increased concentrations during the study period. Our in situ measurement of aerosol chemical composition in Beijing also confirmed increased contribution of inorganic aerosol fraction as a function of the increased particle pollution level. Our investigations demonstrate that the increased inorganic fraction in the aerosol particles is a key component in the frequently occurring haze days during the study period, and particularly the reduction of nitrate, sulfate and their precursor gases would contribute towards better visibility in China.Peer reviewe

    Effects of the novel catalyst Ni–S2O82−–K2O/TiO2 on efficient lignin depolymerization

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    To improve the utilization of lignin, much effort has been devoted to lignin depolymerization with the aim to decrease waste and enhance profitability. Here, a dual property (acid and base) catalyst, namely S2O8 2−–K2O/TiO2, was carefully researched. Upon loading S2O8 2− and K2O onto TiO2, acid and base sites emerged, and S2O8 2− and K2O mutually enhanced the acid and base strengths of the catalyst enormously; this indeed facilitated lignin depolymerization. Under appropriate conditions, the yields of liquid product, petroleum ether soluble (PEsoluble) product and total monomer products were 83.76%, 50.4% and 28.96%, respectively. The constituents of the PE-soluble fraction, which are mainly monomers and dimers, can be used as liquid fuels or additives. In addition, after the catalyst was modified by Ni, better results were obtained. Surprisingly, it was found that the Ni enhanced not only the hydrogenation capacity but also the acidity. The highest high heating value (HHV) of the liquid product (33.6 MJ kg−1) was obtained, and the yield of PE-soluble product increased from 50.4 to 56.4%. The product can be utilized as a fuel additive or be converted to bio-fuel. This catalysis system has significant potential in the conversion of lignin to bio-fuel